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Share Your Story
coffee matte cup

If you're drinking CoffeeMatté right now, then you probably have CoffeeMatté story!

How did you hear about CoffeeMatté? Did it help you study and pass the big exam?

Did a thermos of CoffeeMatté help you drive that 14 wheeler clear across the country without a break?

Was it a cup of scalding hot CoffeeMatté you splashed into a burglar's eyes, possibly saving your life?

We at CoffeeMatté Inc. would love to hear your thoughts on CoffeeMatté. We're looking for stories, songs, poems, commericals and videos.

Got a CoffeeMatté tatoo? Named your kid CoffeeMatté? Have a recipe for some truly addictive CoffeeMatté cake? We want to know!

You can either send an email directly to, or use the submission form below. If you have a multimedia file you'd like to share with us (perhaps a song in MP3 format or a small video file), then please use email and include it as an attachment.

Story Submission Form
First Name 
Last Name 
Email Address 
Mailing Address 
May we mail you CoffeeMatté news? 
Type of submission 
 Short Story
Your submission, or URL indicating where submission can be found:
Updated: 2025-03-14
©2025 CoffeeMatté Inc.